The wipers of Zhongke mixer are frequently used, and they all have a service life. After the service life, the wipers are not easy to use and have to be replaced. How to replace the wipers? Next, I'll teach you how to replace the wiper. Replacing the wiper by yourself can save time and money;
1. 中科搅拌机,得将旧的雨刮器拆下来,将雨刮器立起来。按住下面那个卡子,移出。从一边取下搅拌车上的旧雨刮器,这个地方要注意一些,不要让摇臂弹回来把前挡风玻璃砸坏,那就得不偿失了。
1. For Zhongke mixer, first remove the old wiper and erect it. Press and hold the clip below and move out. Take down the old wiper on the mixer truck from one side. Pay attention to this place. Don't let the rocker spring back and break the front windshield. It's not worth the loss.
2. For the convenience of installation, the front end of the middle clip should be tilted up. Insert the middle clip and tighten it. If you hear a click, it means it is in place and installed correctly.

3. 中科搅拌机,有些车型主驾驶和副驾驶的雨刷尺寸是不同的,一般情况下是主驾驶的雨刷长一些,副驾驶的雨刷短一些,安装的时候要注意,也有的车辆雨刷是一样的,这样在安装的时候就简单一些。
3. For Zhongke blender, the size of the wiper of the main driver and the co driver is different in some models. Generally, the wiper of the main driver is longer and the wiper of the co driver is shorter. Pay attention to the installation. Some vehicles have the same wiper, so the installation is simpler.
4. 安装副驾驶的雨刷,也要注意方向,不能搞错,跟前面一样对准拉紧,听到咔嗒声就是按好了。
4. When installing the front passenger's wiper, you should also pay attention to the direction. You can't make a mistake. Just align and tighten it as before. If you hear a click, you can press it.
The service life of the wiper is generally about 1-2 years. If it is well maintained, it can be used for 3-4 years. If it is found that the wiper is not clean, it can be polished by fine sandpaper, which has a certain effect. If the wiper is not clean or has reached the service life, it is better to replace it as soon as possible. The price of the wiper is not expensive, and the replacement is relatively simple, The main function of the wiper is to ensure a clear driving vision when it rains and avoid the existence of safety hazards.