1. 一般新购买的搅拌车,在使用一两周后就需要紧固整车的螺丝,特别是连接副梁和底盘之间的“U型”螺栓,其次是减速机与罐体之间的螺栓,紧固时,拧紧力矩应达到300-350Nm。
1. Generally, the newly purchased mixer truck needs to tighten the screws of the whole vehicle after one or two weeks of use, especially the "U-shaped" bolts connecting the auxiliary beam and the chassis, followed by the bolts between the reducer and the tank. When tightening, the tightening torque should reach 300-350nm.
2. 液压系统初次使用250小时后一定要更换高压抗磨液压油,以后每使用2500小时更换一次,但换油时间做多不得超过一年,换油的同时更好更换散热器滤芯。
2. The high-pressure anti-wear hydraulic oil must be replaced after the hydraulic system is first used for 250 hours. In the future, it shall be replaced every 2500 hours, but the oil change time shall not exceed one year. It is best to replace the radiator filter element while changing the oil.
3. 减速机初次使用250小时要更换重负荷齿轮油,以后每2500小时更换一次,但换油时间不得超过一年。
3. The heavy-duty gear oil shall be replaced after the reducer is first used for 250 hours, and then every 2500 hours, but the oil change time shall not exceed one year.
4. 正常使用过程中,当散热器真空表读数超过0.03MPa时,应立即更换液压油和滤芯。
4. During normal use, when the reading of radiator vacuum gauge exceeds 0.03mpa, replace the hydraulic oil and filter element immediately.

5. 散热器温控开关是自动控制风扇的运转和停止,请不要随意扳动。
5. The radiator temperature control switch automatically controls the operation and stop of the fan. Please do not pull it at will.
6. 连接底盘和液压泵间的传动轴应每周加注锂基脂润滑油。
6. The transmission shaft connecting the chassis and the hydraulic pump shall be filled with lithium grease every week.
7. 搅拌罐每次卸料完毕都必须进行内部清洗,以防罐内粘灰,少三个月进行一次彻底清理。
7. After each unloading of the mixing tank, the internal cleaning must be carried out to prevent ash sticking in the tank. It shall be thoroughly cleaned at least once every three months.
8. 罐体检查孔,就是“人孔”用于罐体内部维修的,必要时,可打开放出罐内的预拌混凝土。
8. The tank inspection hole is the "manhole" used for internal maintenance of the tank. If necessary, open and release the ready mixed concrete in the tank.
9. 搅拌罐导轨与托轮之间接触面每周需要加涂锂基脂润滑油。
9. The contact surface between the guide rail of the mixing tank and the supporting wheel needs to be coated with lithium grease every week.
10. 托轮每周需要加注锂基脂润滑油。
10. The supporting roller needs to be filled with lithium grease every week.
11. 卸油转轴每周加注锂基脂润滑油。
11. Fill the oil unloading shaft with lithium grease every week.
12. 操纵系统每周加注锂基脂润滑油,保证操纵灵活。
12. The control system shall be filled with lithium grease every week to ensure flexible operation.
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