一、先看容积,搅拌车的罐体容积越大,所装的混凝土越多,假如你所购买的搅拌车是按方来进行运输的,那好选择容积大一点的搅拌车,这样赚钱会更多;如果你所 工作的工地是按月来付钱,那一般10方左右的搅拌车就差不多了,10方搅拌车适中,运输量也可以。
1、 First look at the volume. The larger the tank volume of the mixer, the more concrete it contains. If the mixer you buy is transported according to the square, it's better to choose the mixer with larger volume, so you can make more money; If you work at a construction site where you pay monthly, generally, the 10 square meter mixer is almost the same. The price of 10 square meter mixer is moderate and the transportation volume is OK.
二、其次是后桥,根据您经常跑的路面情况来选购:混凝土搅拌车在路面情况,直接关系您购买时的后桥选择。如果您跑的路面那边很平坦,一般都是走的公路,那么可 以选择单级减速桥。但如果您跑的路面情况不是特别好,有很多坑洼石头路还有很多坡道那样的,那么就选择轮边减速桥比较好。
2、 The second is the rear axle, which is purchased according to the road conditions you often run: the road conditions of the concrete mixer are directly related to your choice of rear axle. If you run on a flat road, usually on a highway, you can choose a single-stage deceleration bridge. However, if the road condition is not particularly good, there are many potholes, stone roads and many ramps, it is better to choose the wheel side deceleration bridge.

3、 The tires of mixer truck are also very important. There are two kinds of tires: steel tire and nylon tire. Relatively speaking, the service life of steel tire is much longer than that of nylon tire, and the driving resistance of steel tire is also relatively small. Of course, the price is also high.
4、 Tank quality is also very important. The tank of mixer truck is generally made of steel plate, but its thickness is different. The tank of single bridge mixer truck is generally 5-6mm thick, and the tank of double bridge and above is about 8mm thick.
5、 Chassis selection. There are many choices for the chassis of cement mixer truck, such as Dongfeng, Universiade, Futian, heavy truck, Shaanxi Automobile, etc. These are large chassis manufacturers with good reputation, and the prices are also different. Users can choose a solid and reliable chassis according to their personal preferences.
6、 Selection of three hydraulic parts. Generally, the standard configuration of single axle mixer truck is domestic, and the standard configuration of double axle mixer truck and the first four and last eight mixer trucks are imported brands. The imported price is relatively high, but the quality is more stable and durable than the three major hydraulic parts produced in China. Of course, with the continuous maturity of technology in recent years, the three major hydraulic parts in China are also good, and the price is cheaper than that in foreign countries.
七、可靠的售后服务。混凝土搅拌车是一种专用重型车辆,保有量少,配件来源少,与一般通用汽车相比,对厂家的售后服务依赖性较大,因此,厂家是否能提供方 便快捷可靠的售后服务,是选型中必须考虑的重要因素。
7、 Reliable after-sales service. Concrete mixer truck is a special heavy-duty vehicle with less ownership and less sources of accessories. Compared with general motors, it is more dependent on the manufacturer's after-sales service. Therefore, whether the manufacturer can provide convenient, fast and reliable after-sales service is an important factor that must be considered in model selection.
The above is Zhongke mixer https://www.cnzkjf.com Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call for consultation!