Concrete operation method of small drum concrete mixer.
滚筒式混凝土搅拌机主要用于混合塑料和半塑料混凝土。 它是一种民用混凝土搅拌机。 与阶梯式混凝土搅拌机不同,小型滚筒混凝土搅拌机混合方法是将混合物放入旋转的搅拌桶中,并跟随搅拌桶的旋转。 滚筒内的刀片将混合物升高到一定高度,然后将其自身掉落,然后来回循环直到混合物均匀为止。 具体的操作方法是:
Drum type concrete mixer is mainly used for mixing plastic and semi plastic concrete. It is a civil concrete mixer. Different from the stepped concrete mixer, the mixing method of small drum concrete mixer is to put the mixture into the rotating mixing bucket and follow the rotation of the mixing bucket. The blade in the drum raises the mixture to a certain height, then drops itself and circulates back and forth until the mixture is even. The specific operation method is as follows:
1.对于某些需要挖掘上料斗坑的搅拌机,应夯实坑口,以防止地下水流入坑中。 装载轨道机架的底部支撑表面应夯实或砌成砖块。 用木头支撑,以防止工作过程中轨道变形。

1. For some mixers that need to excavate the upper hopper pit, the pit mouth should be tamped to prevent the underground water from flowing into the pit. The bottom support surface of the loading track frame shall be tamped or bricked. Support with wood to prevent track deformation during operation.
2,混凝土搅拌机启动后,应在达到正常转速后装入搅拌桶,装入后应及时加水; 在添加新材料之前,有必要在搅拌机中卸载原始混凝土。 当开始加载时,混合器打开,卸料器熄灭。
2. After the concrete mixer is started, it should be loaded into the mixing bucket after reaching the normal speed, and water should be added in time after loading; before adding new materials, it is necessary to unload the original concrete in the mixer. When loading begins, the mixer opens and the unloader goes out.
3.在混凝土搅拌机运行期间,请勿让沙子和砾石掉入机器的工作空间,以防止工作部件被卡住和损坏。 上料斗升起后,没有人可以通过或停留在料斗下,以防止发生诸如刹车故障之类的事故。 在铲斗下方进行维修或分类时,须强行停止机器,并用链拉动上料斗。
3. During the operation of the concrete mixer, do not let sand and gravel fall into the working space of the machine, so as to prevent the working parts from being stuck and damaged. After the upper hopper is raised, no one can pass or stay under the hopper to prevent accidents such as brake failure. When carrying out maintenance or classification under the bucket, stop the machine by force and pull the upper hopper with safety chain.
4.在使用新机器之前,应按照小型混凝土搅拌机操作手册的要求检查每个系统和组件以及必要的测试工作,在空车上工作,检查搅拌桶或叶片的滚动方向, 以及每个工作设备的操作刹车,保证是正常的,然后才能起作用。
4. Before using the new machine, check each system and component as well as necessary test work according to the requirements of the operation manual of small concrete mixer. Work on the empty truck, check the rolling direction of mixing bucket or blade, and the operation brake of each working equipment to ensure that it is normal, and then it can work.