The reason of bleeding and segregation of concrete in the feeding mixer!
Many self loading mixer drivers are worried about the bleeding and segregation of the concrete in the mixer truck. In view of this problem, we must first know the cause, so as to fundamentally solve the problem. Reasons for bleeding and segregation of concrete in the charging mixer:
1. 水泥细度大时易泌水,水泥中C3A含量低易泌水,水泥标准稠度用水量小易泌水。水泥用量小易泌水;
1. When the fineness of cement is large, it is easy to bleed, and when the content of C3A is low, it is easy to bleed. The amount of cement is small and easy to bleed;
2. 低标号水泥比高标号水泥的混凝土易泌水(同掺量)。 同等级混凝土,高标号水泥的混凝土比低标号水泥的混凝土更易泌水。 单位用量偏大的混凝土易泌水、离析。
2. The concrete with low grade cement is easier to bleed than that with high grade cement. For the same grade of concrete, the concrete with high grade cement is easier to bleed than that with low grade cement. The concrete with larger unit dosage is prone to bleeding and segregation.
3. 混凝土混合物温度过高,尤其是夏天,气温高,水化反应快,塌落度损失大。 强度等级低的混凝土易出现泌水。砂率小的混凝土易出现泌水、离析现象。连续粒径碎石的砼泌水小;
3. The temperature of concrete mixture is too high, especially in summer, the temperature is high, the hydration reaction is fast, and the slump loss is large. The concrete with low strength grade is prone to bleeding. The concrete with small sand ratio is prone to bleeding and segregation. The concrete bleeding of continuous size gravel is small;

4. 混凝土外加剂的保水性、增稠性、引气性差的混凝土易出现泌水。超量掺混凝土外加剂的混凝土易出现泌水、离析现象。部分型号的混凝土搅拌车搅拌性能不良,经一定的路程的运送,初始出料时混凝土混合物发生明显的粗骨料上浮现象;
4. The concrete with poor water retention, thickening and air entrainment of concrete admixture is easy to bleed. The concrete with excessive concrete admixture is prone to bleeding and segregation. When the concrete is transported by a certain type of concrete, the performance of the concrete is obviously poor;
5. 自上料搅拌机搅拌筒内有积水,装料前未排干净或在运送过程中,任意往搅拌筒内加水。
5. There is water in the mixing drum of the charging mixer, and water is added into the mixing drum arbitrarily before loading or during transportation.
If there is a problem, you can find a solution. Here's how to solve the problem from the charging mixer
1. 根本的办法就是减少单位用水量;2. 增大砂率,选择合理的砂率;3. 炎热夏季,采取措施降低混凝土混合物的温度;4. 增大水泥用量或掺适量的Ⅰ、Ⅱ级粉煤灰;5. 采用连续级配的碎石,且针片状含量小;6. 改善混凝土外加剂性能,使其具有更好的保水。增稠性,或适量减低砼外加剂掺量(仅现场),搅拌站若降低混凝土外加剂掺量,又可能出现混凝土砼塌落损失快的新问题;7. 自上料搅拌机在卸料前,应中、高速旋转搅拌筒,是混凝土混合物均匀后卸料;8. 加强管理,对清洗后的搅拌车搅拌筒,须排尽积水后方可装料。装料后,严禁随意往搅拌筒内加水。自上料搅拌机的泌水、离析问题找准原因就很容易了!
1. The fundamental solution is to reduce the unit water consumption; 2. Increase the sand rate and select a reasonable sand rate; 3. Take measures to reduce the temperature of concrete mixture in hot summer; 4. Increase the amount of cement or add appropriate amount of grade I and II fly ash; 5. Use continuously graded crushed stone with small needle and flake content; 6. Improve the performance of concrete admixture to make it have better water retention. 7. Before discharging from the loading mixer, the mixing drum should be rotated at medium and high speed to discharge the concrete mixture evenly; 8 Strengthen management, after cleaning the mixing drum of the mixer truck, the water must be drained before loading. After loading, it is strictly forbidden to add water into the mixing drum at will. Since the problem of bleeding and segregation of the charging mixer, it is easy to find out the cause!