Since the multi-functional mixer with self feeding will inevitably be damaged after use or long-term use, and the engine may also be damaged. Under what circumstances should the engine be overhauled? I will describe it in detail below.
1.圆柱体的内径磨损,圆度偏差为0.040.06 mm,圆柱度偏差为0.080.12 mm(通常圆柱体下半部分与圆柱体上半部分之间的差为测量)..对于多缸发动机,圆度和圆柱度之间的偏差基于磨损的气缸。
1. The inner diameter of the cylinder is worn, the roundness deviation is 0.04 to 0.06 mm, and the cylindricity deviation is 0.08 to 0.12 mm (usually the difference between the lower half of the cylinder and the upper half of the cylinder is measured).. for multi cylinder engines, the deviation between roundness and cylindricity is based on the cylinder with the highest wear.
2. The oil volume increases significantly, the oil pressure decreases, and the exhaust pipe emits dark black and blue smoke.

3.混凝土搅拌车的产量大幅下降。高马力约为额定输出的60%(不包括由于高海拔而导致的功率下降),气缸压力小于标准压力的65%。 ..
3. The output of concrete mixer truck decreased significantly. The high horsepower is about 60% of the rated output (excluding the power drop due to high altitude), and the cylinder pressure is less than 65% of the standard pressure
4.曲轴磨损太大,磨损后曲轴轴颈的圆度和圆柱度之间的偏差超过了使用限制,或者圆度和锥度限制为0.10 mm。
4. The crankshaft is worn too much. After wear, the deviation between roundness and cylindricity of crankshaft journal exceeds the maximum service limit, or the roundness and taper are limited to 0.10 mm.
5. When the engine starts or stops, if the water temperature is 50-60 ° C, the water temperature will not start smoothly.
6. Engine noise or abnormal operation when the engine is running at high temperature, cylinder noise (piston knock), violent vibration or knock noise of main bearing or connecting rod bearing.
The above conditions are for overhaul of self loading multifunctional mixer truck. If you understand these conditions again, you will know that the engine needs to be serviced.