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来源:https://www.cnzkjf.com/ 日期:2020-03-18
  Concrete mixer is a special truck used to transport concrete construction. Because of its shape, it is usually called a snail. The truck is equipped with a cylindrical mixer to transport the mixed concrete. The concrete mixer has five systems:
  1. 混合筒:本模型采用的混合筒类型是一种应用广泛的结构形式。搅拌筒采用梨形结构。
  1. Mixing cylinder: the type of mixing cylinder used in this model is a widely used structural form. The mixing drum adopts pear structure.
  2. 传动系统:搅拌滚筒的驱动方式以发动机为动力源,将力从电源器尾部的引擎,将其传输到变量柱塞液压泵传动轴,通过定量柱塞油马达,然后通过减速器驱动搅拌滚筒旋转。
  2. Transmission system: the driving mode of the mixing drum takes the engine as the power source, which transfers the force from the engine at the end of the power supply to the transmission shaft of the variable plunger hydraulic pump, through the quantitative plunger oil motor, and then drives the mixing drum to rotate through the reducer.
  3. Charge and discharge system of mixing drum (charge and discharge mechanism): it is an important equipment to assist the mixing drum.
  4. 控制系统:是整个混合器的控制部分。控制面板上有一个“i”型槽,是操纵杆的活动空间。后半部分的插槽有一个有限的位孔,用来固定操纵杆的位置。控制系统通过车尾左右杆控制搅拌缸的正、反、转速,完成进料、出料和搅拌动作。
  4. Control system: it is the control part of the whole mixer. There is an "I" groove on the control panel, which is the active space of the joystick. The slot in the back half has a limited position hole to hold the lever in place. The control system controls the positive, negative and rotational speed of the mixing cylinder through the left and right rods at the rear of the vehicle to complete the feeding, discharging and mixing actions.
  5. 供水系统:混凝土搅拌机供水系统主要用于清洗搅拌装置。该模型有两种供水系统,一种是离心式供水系统;一种是压力罐供水系统,可供选择安装。
  5. Water supply system: the water supply system of concrete mixer is mainly used for cleaning the mixing device. The model has two kinds of water supply systems, one is centrifugal water supply system, the other is pressure tank water supply system, which can be installed optionally.
  The concrete mixer always keeps the mixing drum rotating during transportation to ensure that the concrete does not set. After the concrete is delivered, the inside of the drum is usually washed with water to prevent the hardened concrete from taking up space and to reduce the volume of the drum.
  The above is a detailed introduction to the advantages of Zhongke Jufeng in the design of concrete mixer truck. To learn more, please click the official website https://www.cnzkjf.com

