自上料搅拌车适用于所有需要混凝土的项目工程。一台自上料搅拌车是搅拌车和装载车二合一结合,它可以自动上水上料,自动搅拌,自动卸料,车载运输于一身。小巧灵活的身姿越来越多地出现在城镇乡村的基础建设之中,深受广大建筑工程老板的青睐。 下边就给大家详细介绍一下使用搅拌车时应注意那些事项
The self loading mixer is applicable to all projects requiring concrete. A self loading mixer truck is a combination of mixer truck and loading truck. It can automatically load water, mix, unload and transport on board. Small and flexible posture appears more and more in urban and rural infrastructure, which is favored by the majority of construction engineering bosses. The following is a detailed introduction to what should be paid attention to when using the mixer
1. The pressure of the hydraulic system shall comply with the provisions in the operation manual and shall not be adjusted at will. The oil quality and quantity of hydraulic oil shall meet the original requirements.

2. Before loading the mixer truck, the residual ponding and sundries in the mixing drum shall be drained first. Keep rotating during transportation to prevent concrete segregation. Before the mixer truck arrives at the construction site and unloading, first rotate the mixing drum at full speed at 14-18 rpm for 1-2 minutes, and then reverse unloading. Before reversing, the mixing drum shall be stopped stably.
3. When the ambient temperature is higher than + 25 ℃, the duration from loading, transportation and unloading shall not exceed 60 minutes. When the ambient temperature is lower than + 25 ℃, the above time shall not exceed 90 minutes.
4. During winter construction, it shall be ensured that: check whether it is frozen before startup; When off duty, carefully remove the residual water in the mixing drum and the water supply system, turn off the water pump switch and put the control handle in the "stop" position.
5. After unloading at the construction site, immediately flush the inlet hopper, outlet hopper and discharge chute with the hose attached to the mixer truck to remove the sludge and concrete adhered to the vehicle body. On the way back to the mixing plant, 150-200l water shall be injected into the mixing drum to clean the concrete residue bonded to the drum wall and blades.
6. After daily work, the driver shall be responsible for injecting clean water into the mixing drum and rotating at high speed (14-18 RPM) for 5-10 minutes, and then drain the water to ensure the cleanness of the drum. When cleaning all parts of the mixing drum with high-pressure water, pay attention to avoid instruments, control rods and other parts. The distance between the pressure water nozzle and the paint surface of the vehicle body shall not be less than 40cm
7. When removing the accumulated dirt and residual concrete slag inside and outside the mixing drum, and when the mechanical maintenance personnel enter the drum for maintenance and welding repair, it is necessary to turn off the automobile engine first to stop the mixing drum completely. During the period when the mechanical maintenance personnel enter the drum for work, ensure that the mixing drum has good ventilation, fresh air, no combustible gas and harmful dust, and sufficient oxygen supply. When using electric tools in the cylinder, the operator shall have good insulation protection.
8. When working, do not put your hand into the rotating mixing drum, and do not put your hand into the connection between the main discharge chute and the extended discharge chute to avoid accidents
The above is the price of Zhongke mixer https://www.cnzkjf.com Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call for consultation!