1、 The investor shall fully understand the product quality level, service capacity and price information of the same industry of domestic and foreign construction manufacturers, market research, on-site inspection of the manufacturer's processing, and ensure the quality of self-feeding concrete mixer. The manufacturer of the required complete set of equipment can be selected by holding a reply meeting, bidding meeting and other ways, and the products with high quality and low price can be selected. Determine the scale and grade of commercial concrete mixer according to the ownership of funds.
2、 Selection of mixing truck site
When selecting the mixing site, it should be ensured that the site is close to the quarry and sand plant to ensure that there is enough water and away from the residential area. If we can make full use of the hillside terrain and set the material yard on the hillside and high ground, we can reduce the batching height of the batching machine, so that the loader has a small feeding and climbing angle or does not need to climb, which saves energy and reduces wear. The installation of the equipment base shall avoid ground and underground optical cables, power supply or communication cables.
3、 The selection of aggregate supply mode is recommended to use loader

If the mixer truck is used for highway construction (short construction period, frequent moving and relocation problems), it is necessary to select the quick-mounted and modular mixer truck.
Fourth, if the site is wide, priority should be given to the development of flat belt conveyor with a small inclination of 18 ° (in order to reduce the procurement management cost of enterprise equipment companies, it can also be achieved by selecting effective lifting hopper). If the area of the site is not constantly limited, the large inclination angle (generally 40 °~50 °) edge belt conveyor can be fully considered (some additional belt structures can be used to reach 90 ° at the same time). However, in the wet environment of sand and gravel, the belt conveyor with large inclination has the disadvantage of sand sticking. When the belt returns, the analysis of sand falling under the belt is relatively serious, and the relevant coefficient of sand utilization should be considered to improve the commercial concrete ratio.
The aggregate scale of a complete self-feeding concrete mixer is the cumulative measurement of scale 1 and the individual measurement of scale 2-4. In order to ensure that each aggregate has sufficient storage capacity, each aggregate can be designed into 2 weighing ingredients.
If the construction technology requirements of the enterprise are relatively low, the aggregate of 2 kinds of aggregate shall be selected for measurement
Self-feeding concrete mixer; If a project has special requirements, three or four aggregate weighing batchers must be selected for cumulative measurement, or even each aggregate can be measured separately.