What to do if the temperature of mixer hydraulic system is too high?
1. 液压系统泄漏严重,如果溢流阀调定压力过高,运动零件磨损过大就会使密封间隙变大,密封装置损坏,油液粘度过低等等,都会引起泄漏增加,找出故障根源就可以问题了。
1. The hydraulic system has serious leakage. If the set pressure of relief valve is too high and the wear of moving parts is too large, the sealing gap will be enlarged, the sealing device will be damaged, and the oil viscosity will be too low, etc., which will lead to the increase of leakage. The problem can be solved by finding out the root cause of the fault.
2. 液压系统散热比较差,比如油箱散热面积不足,油箱油面高度过低,这就使得油液循环过快,冷却水供应不足或风扇失灵,环境温度较高等原因,这些都会导致系统散热不良的。
2. The heat dissipation of the hydraulic system is poor, such as the insufficient cooling area of the oil tank, the low oil level of the oil tank, which makes the oil circulation too fast, the cooling water supply insufficient or the fan failure, and the high ambient temperature, all of which will lead to the poor heat dissipation of the system.
3. 油品的粘度过大,也会引起液压损失过大的。
3. If the viscosity of oil is too high, the hydraulic loss will be too large.

4. 液压系统卸荷回路工作不良,当搅拌机系统卸荷回路工作不良或没有卸荷回路,是搅拌机系统不需要压力时,而油液仍在溢流阀所调定的工作压力下溢回油箱,或在卸荷压力较高的情况下流回油路,此时应认真检查系统卸荷回路的工作是否正常,如果卸荷油道被脏物堵塞,或电气系统故障,引起卸荷作用的电磁阀不能工作,应及时采取措施,予以排除。
Four The unloading circuit of the hydraulic system is not working well. When the unloading circuit of the mixer system is not working well or there is no unloading circuit, the mixer system does not need pressure, and the oil still overflows back to the oil tank under the working pressure set by the overflow valve, or flows back to the oil circuit when the unloading pressure is high. At this time, check whether the unloading circuit of the system works normally. If the unloading oil passage is dirty If the electromagnetic valve with unloading function cannot work due to blockage or electrical system fault, timely measures shall be taken to eliminate it.
5. 如果以上这些故障排除后,仍然存在液压系统温度过高的问题,那就有可能由于直接影响油温升高的调速方法、系统压力、液压缸及泵和马达的效率、各类阀的额定流量、管道的直径、油箱的容积及卸荷方式等问题,在液压中处理不当所造成的,应结合实际,具体分析,才能得出正确的结论。
Five If the above faults are eliminated, there is still the problem of too high temperature in the hydraulic system, which may directly affect the speed regulation method of oil temperature rise, system pressure, the efficiency of hydraulic cylinder, pump and motor, the rated flow of various valves, the diameter of pipeline, the volume of oil tank and unloading mode, etc., which are caused by improper handling in the hydraulic system, should be combined with the actual situation Only by analyzing can we draw a correct conclusion.
The above is about the mixer hydraulic system temperature is too high, I hope to help you, if you want to know more, welcome to click Zhongke mixer https://www.cnzkjf.com Official website.