First of all, for the specific wear of the automatic feeding mixer, we should observe whether there are problems in the color and quality of the oil, observe whether there are iron chips on the surface, and check the oil viscosity. If there are a lot of iron chips in the engine oil, it means that the crankshaft bearing bush and connecting rod bush are seriously worn. If the oil is viscous, it means that the oil has not been replaced for a long time.

When the crankshaft of connecting rod piston is disassembled, observe the specific conditions of connecting rod bush and crankshaft bush. The whole machine can not be used. If the wear is not serious, it can be used after grinding shaft processing, and the automatic feeding mixer can be used.
Observe the specific wear of the cylinder liner. When the cylinder liner is disassembled, do not hit the engine block to avoid serious damage.
For the automatic feeding mixer, during the whole maintenance period, every action should be cautious and careful, any detail error will cause the engine can not reach the normal working state, so in the maintenance of the automatic feeding mixer, special technicians should be invited to avoid more mistakes.