如果自上料搅拌车生锈了,那着实不太美观,而且 锈迹还会腐蚀到搅拌车,因此当司机朋友在驾驶自动上料 搅拌车的时候,应当时刻保持谨慎,在日常生活中应时刻 检查自上料搅拌车,警惕搅拌车车身是否存在小伤疤或 是车身底部是否存有积水,如有此种现象,应当及时作出 处理勿让此等现象一直存在。
If the self feeding mixer is rusted, it is not very beautiful, and the rust will corrode the mixer. Therefore, when driving the automatic feeding mixer, the driver should always be cautious. In daily life, the self feeding mixer should always be checked, and be alert to whether there are small scars on the body of the mixer or whether there is water under the body, It should be dealt with in a timely manner, so as not to let such phenomena exist all the time.
1、 Watch out for small scars
自上料搅拌车车漆表面水泥搅拌车生锈,除了常见 的碰撞,刮伤,驾驶轮胎弹出小石块在油漆,也会导致小 剥落的油漆点时间长会产水泥搅拌车生锈斑。和大多数的 小伤疤一样,因为在小,容易忽略。因此,定期检查车身 ,发动机舱口和身体四周,一旦发现将及时进行处理。
In addition to the common collision, scratch, driving tire ejecting small stones in the paint, it will also lead to small peeling paint spots, which will produce rust spots on the cement mixer for a long time. And most of the small scars, because in small, easy to ignore. Therefore, regular inspection of the body, engine hatch and around the body, once found will be dealt with in a timely manner.

2、 Frequently check the places where humidity is easy to accumulate water
自上料搅拌车行驶在路上,在雨雪天气或通过泥水 路很难避免,比如自上料搅拌车车身和地板等处容易积 累污泥,如车主不及时清洗,这将允许水分隐藏。要经常 检查大门,想要保持身体的各个部分同时排水明沟,湿度 检查小泵车覆盖,如地毯、地板等,防止装载机式自上料 搅拌车生锈。
When the self feeding mixer is driving on the road, it is difficult to avoid in rainy and snowy weather or through muddy water road. For example, the body and floor of the self feeding mixer are easy to accumulate sludge. If the owner does not clean it in time, it will allow the water to be hidden. The gate should be checked frequently to keep all parts of the body in open drainage ditch at the same time, and the humidity should be checked to cover the small pump truck, such as carpet and floor, so as to prevent the loader type self loading mixer from rusting.
3、 Soft paint for glaze sealing
一些自上料搅拌车漆软沙粒子击中小泵车在高速的 过程中可能会导致掉漆。对于这种,能给车身封釉,它可 以形成一个网络,强大的保护膜,提高表面硬度,效果可 以保持一年左右,涂层可以达到类似的效果。此外,可以 将车辆底部的底盘装甲或密封模型,这样可以保护底盘耐 酸雨、耐腐蚀,使原涂层和干裂,不易脱落,也可以防止 底盘上的鹅卵石的影响驾驶。
Some soft sand particles hit the small pump truck in the process of high speed, which may lead to paint dropping. For this kind of glaze, it can form a network, a strong protective film, improve the surface hardness, the effect can be maintained for about a year, the coating can achieve a similar effect. In addition, the chassis at the bottom of the vehicle can be armored or sealed, which can protect the chassis from acid rain and corrosion, make the original coating and dry crack, and prevent the pebbles on the chassis from affecting the driving.
通过以上内容的一番了解,您现在对预防自动上料搅拌车生锈是否有了更清晰的认识。如若本文还没有完全为 您解惑,又或者您还想知晓更多相关信息,均可随时来电咨询,我们定会非常乐意为您解答任何疑问。
Through some understanding of the above content, you now have a clearer understanding of the prevention of automatic feeding mixer rust. If this article has not completely solved your doubts, or you want to know more information, you can call at any time, we will be very happy to answer any questions for you.