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来源:https://www.cnzkjf.com/ 日期:2020-04-21
  How to avoid electric shock in concrete mixer
  1. 如果混凝土搅拌机的电源设备没有正确地选择和匹配,就会导致电击和其他生产事故。
  1. If the power supply equipment of concrete mixer is not correctly selected and matched, electric shock and other production accidents will be caused.
  2. Certificate of electrician special operation personnel, otherwise, it is unable to understand the safe power and causes electric shock and other production accidents.
  3. If the operator of the distribution room is not trained, and the mixer does not understand the knowledge of electricity use, and operates in violation of regulations, electric shock accident will be caused. How to avoid other production accidents caused by electric shock?
  4. 配电室的操作规程、操作规程、警示标志、生产记录和防护设施有缺陷,可能造成触电等生产事故。
  4. The operation regulations, operation regulations, safety warning signs, safety production records and safety protection facilities of the distribution room are defective, which may cause production accidents such as electric shock.
  5. 如果不采取措施防止小动物进入配电室,就会造成小动物电气事故,还会造成其他事故。
  5. If no measures are taken to prevent small animals from entering the distribution room, it will cause electrical accidents of small animals and other accidents.
  6. 如果配电室的防雷措施不完善,还会发生其他生产事故。
  6. If the lightning protection measures of the distribution room are not perfect, other production accidents will occur.
  7. 高压离线工作容易触电。
  7. High voltage off-line work is easy to get electric shock.
  8. 如果供电能力和设施不符合要求,将影响正常运行。
  8. If the power supply capacity and facilities do not meet the safety requirements, normal operation will be affected.
  The above is a detailed introduction of how to avoid electric shock error for the mixer operator of China Science and Technology Corporation. To learn more, please click https://www.cnzkjf.com